
Archive for the ‘Blogging’ Category

Removing the ‘possibly related posts’ in WordPress 2.7

January 1, 2009 Leave a comment

Thanks to my friends, i came to know that the ‘possibly related blogs’ of my previous post linked to certain graphic/explicit blogs that had no possible relations to my write-up at all! A quick  search on how to remove the feature revealed this. But unfortunately i had a lot of difficulty in finding it because of the WordPress 2.7 upgrade which tucks it away deep inside.After 15 minutes of frustrated search, i finally figured it. So here it is for the benefit of other fellow WP bloggers:

1.Go to  ‘My Dashboard’

2.Click on the ‘change theme‘ button in the Right Now section :


3.In  the Manage Themes screen that follows, click on Extras


4. There you have it. Just check the relevant option in the screen that follows and click Update Extras


5. Mission Accomplished ! Now start blogging peacefully.

Categories: Blogging Tags: